Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Deadlines Reminder...

Friday 2 December for all planning and research + the first draft of the finished video and ancillary tasks.

Thursday 15 December - final final final deadline for all work - planning and research, music video, digipak, magazine ad, evaluation. This means having the video burned to DVD (so it can be played on a domestic DVD player)

It is very important to hand in a copy of your DVD for each member of the group. The exam board are quite clear that they will not accept Final Cut Pro files, Quicktime files, AVI files or anything that can't be played on a normal home DVD player.

This means using 'DVD Studio' or 'iDVD' in the edit suite. I can give you blank DVDs, there are simple instructions on the wall of the editing rooms on how to use these, but I advise getting to know this software a little better because you must include your ancillary tasks on the DVD.... this means creating menus.

If you do this well you will earn marks for appropriate use of technology.

If there is a member of your group who is not doing much at the moment - or if you are a group member who is feeling at a loss for something to do - this is your mission... create the DVD menus. You can start now - don't wait for the video to be finished. It is unlikely you know how to use the software at the moment - so you must learn. By yourself.

Don't forget, the evaluation is also due on Friday 16 Dec. It must be on your blog with each question very clearly marked.

We will look at these in more depth in due course.
In the evaluation the following four questions must be addressed:

  1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
  2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
  3. What have you learned from your audience feedback?
  4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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