Monday, 23 May 2011

Research and Planning Tasks

You will each produce an individual blog. There will be no group blog.

Research, as for AS coursework, will be produced individually.

Planning tasks (storyboards, location shots, drafts etc) can be divided between group members - but you will only upload your own work to your blog. A link to your other group member(s) will provide access to the other planning documents.

Bear in mind that the ancillary tasks must be produced individually, so research, drafts, photography etc for the album cover and magazine advert must be produced individually.

Here is what should be included:

  • Star analysis: research into a particular music 'star' and how they construct their representation.
  • Auteur Theory: research into one music video director
  • Goodwin's Theory: analysis of 2 music videos using Goodwin's 6 point approach
  • Technical analysis of 2 music videos. What shots and transitions do you take inspiration from?
  • Analysis of album cover art: look at at least 2 album covers
  • Analysis of magazine advert: look at at least 2 magazine ads for new albums
  • Lyrics of the track you've chosen & analysis of the mood and representation of the artist they construct.
  • Moodboard for the overall theme/design/look of your music video and artwork.
  • Music genre research: what are the themes and conventions of music videos in the genre you have chosen?
  • Target audience research: what they like/look for/identify with etc. (discuss album art and print ads too)
  • Drafts of album cover art and magazine advert: some sketches and ideas of your own designs.
  • Storyboard for your music video
  • Animatic for your music video (the storyboard images scanned in and edited to the track) 
  • Shotlist
  • Call sheets
  • Risk assessment
  • Contact with the artist - either proof of permission to use the track or your attempts to gain this permission.

Your blog should be creatively presented with images, video, links and interactive features.

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